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Expert Insights: Navigating Increased Ad Spend and Operational Overload in Uncertain Times

Research shows companies that continued spending on marketing during difficult times were more successful than those that put their ad dollars on hold.
Expert Insights eBook cover image

What's Inside

Spending on advertising in the U.S. is projected to surpass a record $300B this year. It’s a welcome relief for an industry that has experienced slow growth since the pandemic brought much of its business to a halt.

But, bigger budgets come at a price and many agencies are scratching their heads over how to deal with tougher competition, higher pricing and an endless amount of macroeconomic concerns.

In this eBook, we look at market dynamics around the changing media industry and the implications of the current spending frenzy in its midst. We also look at what agencies are doing to keep up and how they can modernize their organizations to capture their share of this record growth.

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