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How AvidXchange Empowers Political Campaigns

April 30, 2024

Jamestown Associates

“AvidXchange has literally cut my time in half. ANY political agency can benefit. The personnel are superb, the product is superb. It’s a win-win solution for everyone.”

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Jamestown Associates

Jamestown Associates is one of the nation’s premier political consulting firms, handling high-profile campaigns for TV, video, radio and mail. With a collection of award-winning editors, designers and top-tier political strategists, Jamestown has won countless industry awards and continues to thrive within the political landscape. 

From the initial client briefing to the execution of a media buy, Jamestown’s dedication to its clients’ success is apparent throughout its entire process, including the last mile of the AP process – paying media suppliers.

The ad purchasing lifecycle can be a daunting process for most agencies, but for a political agency like Jamestown, there is an added layer of complexity: prepayments. Since suppliers require prepayment for all political ads, the Jamestown AP department found themselves spending more than 8 hours a day on manual payment processes. From the writing of a check to confirming payment with the vendor, it was a five-step process to make a single payment.

Making matters worse, if a check was lost or stolen, contained an error, or was slow to arrive, the ad might not run. As Jamestown continued to grow its client base and handle an increase in media spend, it needed an efficient solution.

To streamline the payment process, reduce costs and improve efficiency, Jamestown turned to AvidXchange for help. With prepayment notifications, dedicated customer support, direct integration to QuickBooks and access to over 60,000 supplier records, AvidXchange cut the payment process down from five steps to one.

Prepayment notifications eliminated the need to confirm payments with suppliers.

AvidXchange’s proprietary data and technology provided greater visibility into supplier payment terms and acceptance methods. The dedicated customer support team answered questions from suppliers on behalf of Jamestown. And Jamestown was finally able to shift its focus to what it does best, delivering best-in-class media experiences.

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