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Executive Q&A: AvidXchange and Vantaca Executives Celebrate Partnership and Robust Integration Offering for the Community Association Management Industry

November 22, 2023
AvidXchange Vantaca

After years of collaborative work together, AvidXchange and Vantaca have enhanced their partnership to better serve professionals in the community association management (CAM) industry. This partnership provides CAM customers with more robust integration capabilities including the use of AvidXchange’s leading invoice ingestion and payment capabilities, as well as its expert service team, all offered as an integrated part of its existing workflows within Vantaca’s platform.

Dan Drees, president of AvidXchange, and Ben Currin, CEO at Vantaca, share their perspectives on how the enhanced partnership is facilitating more innovative solutions and why the embedded accounts payable (AP) automation experience will benefit CAM industry professionals.

What motivated Vantaca to enhance its partnership with AvidXchange?

Currin: We place tremendous value on relationships with our integrated partners, like AvidXchange, for the added efficiencies and tools they bring our customers and the industry. We first began working with AvidXchange in 2019 to enable efficiency and flexibility for our customers’ AP needs through API integration. This granted Vantaca users the ability to automate invoice and payment processes, speeding up approvals and streamlining their AP routines. It also enabled real-time data sharing and cross-platform visibility within Vantaca, helping community management companies manage their financial operations more easily. We have been pleased with the results and the ongoing evolution of our integrated capabilities to continue meeting the needs of community association managers, homeowners associations (HOAs), accounting teams, board members and homeowners. Now, this newest addition to our integration with AvidXchange will further enable our customers to streamline their total accounts payable processes even further.

What motivated AvidXchange to enhance its partnership with Vantaca?

Drees: AvidXchange prioritizes listening to our customers and learning about their evolving needs so that we can bring new products into the market and develop strategic partnerships that will be relevant to them. And our work with Vantaca has been nothing short of valuable; as AvidXchange is eager to partner with likeminded innovators, Vantaca’s mission to help the CAM industry run smarter aligns with our goal of helping more CAM and HOA companies remove friction from their payment processes for greater efficiency. Since our initial partnership, we’ve seen the value from our software as a service (SaaS) platforms working together to help these companies grow and we’re excited to continue improving upon that with more robust integration capabilities and an embedded AP experience powered by automation.

Why are the solutions stemming from this partnership relevant for CAM organizations today?

Drees: Community association managers have many responsibilities, ranging from fielding resident concerns to handling accounting matters and more. In addition to handling these duties, community managers and their organizations at large are also facing the effects of inflation. These factors combined can lead to challenging working environments, which can be further plagued by outdated tools and inefficient processes. To remain nimble in today’s environment, those in the CAM industry can benefit from innovation that helps to drive efficiency in their processes, especially when it comes to payments. An embedded AP automation experience within a unified platform to manage all financial operations can help CAM organizations keep a steady pulse on shifting factors to avoid significant business disruptions.

Currin: Technology is instrumental in transforming how CAM organizations operate, which is why this next investment in our innovative integration with AvidXchange is a clear value driver. As community association managers juggle many tasks amidst fluctuating economic circumstances, technology can make their lives simpler and create many beneficial impacts that can encourage business continuity and success.

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And to learn more about how AvidXchange, and its publicly traded parent AvidXchange Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: AVDX), are transforming the way companies pay their bills, visit

About Dan Drees, President of AvidXchange

As president of AvidXchange, Dan Drees is responsible for driving organizational agility, operational synergies, and the execution of key strategic growth initiatives. Since joining in 2018 as chief growth officer, Dan has been instrumental to AvidXchange’s growth and helping the company navigate critical milestones such as organic vertical market expansions, multiple acquisitions, the IPO, and the company’s response to Covid-19. Drees remains committed to customer needs; helping them gain greater visibility into their business, increase revenue and drive efficiencies.

About Ben Currin, CEO of Vantaca

As Vantaca’s CEO, Ben Currin’s focus is building a successful company with a thriving culture that improves the lives and businesses of Vantaca’s customers. Currin has been a member of Vantaca’s leadership team since 2017, serving in various executive-level strategy and operational positions. Under Currin’s leadership, Vantaca has grown to be recognized as the clear industry leader in community management performance software.